New News!

Since the advent of my release from Cube World back in February, I have been working hard to get my name and work "out there". I joined up with, but then withdrew temporarily from my adventure at Arts and Experience Gallery, only because having limited funds right now, I had to make a choice whether to apply them toward gallery fees and expenses for my fine art aspirations, or whether to apply them toward a new idea that was presented to me by my sister and her significant other. And I couldn't believe I missed the idea myself, when they suggested a new avenue for my photography.

Image courtesy Selling Image RE Photography, ©Chris O'Donnell. I aspire to shoot our modest local listings at least as clearly and beautifully as Chris shoots the high-end listings in his region!
Her boyfriend Chris O'Donnell is a successful real estate photographer in California. (Check out Selling Image Real Estate Photography, Bakersfield, CA.) They mentioned to me that I ought to look into that avenue. It's been his experience that: a) realtors for the most part don't like having to take their own photos for MLS listings, and : b they aren't really as good at it as most of them think they are. My sister and her boyfriend think highly of my images and skill level, so they suggested it might be a good fit for me. After browsing through the local listings between STL and east of here over to Effingham, this proves to be the case mostly, even on some of the higher end listings. Bad listings images. Ugh.

This one is actually a beautiful home, updates throughout, but no one thought to turn on more lighting or use a flash, much less check camera settings....

More cell snaps. The lights are on here, but perhaps the house is tilting into a sinkhole?
Much like the majority of humankind these days, everyone with a cell phone thinks they are a photographer. To be fair, there are quite a few good pro photographers who use a phone camera, and there are quite a few good images that have been captured on cell cameras. And there are a few real estate agents who do make good listings images. But just owning any kind of camera does not make one a photographer. And often times, the really nice images you see on the MLS were produced by a Real Estate Photographer hired by the listing agent. It's just a fact.
Photography involves not only knowing your equipment, but having an eye for composition, color, detail; having some kind of understanding of lighting and perspective; having an artist's mind and eye, as well. Taking better listing photos doesn't necessarily require one to be the next Mike Kelley or Chris O'Donnell, and it's understood that the majority of listings aren't six-figure dream homes in pristine condition. But sellers kind of expect their agent to represent their home in the best way possible in order to facilitate what both agent and seller want-- a fast sale for close to asking price, if not at asking price, right?

Original image from a local MLS listing, a nice $94,000 home in rural Bond County, agent's photo....

....and my quick edit of the image clipped from the Interwebs, best I could do, not having the original image file or knowing even what kind of camera he/she used. Much better view of the details!
Even if you are "only" selling a modest $64,000 two bedroom mid-century that needs a little TLC, a seller has the right to expect their agent to post clear, right-side-up, well-lit photos of the home on the MLS. Additionally, prospective buyers look for good images too. If the images they are seeing in an area they want to buy in are sub-par, they may likely pass your listing right up, and not even bother to contact you about it. As I researched the last couple of weeks, trying to determine if this might be a good addition to my photography path, I found a huge need in the MLS for better images in my own area. So I began to formulate a plan to promote my services as a Real Estate Photographer.
I only have a small portfolio of images currently, but I'm building it up. I've reached out to a couple of local agents I know in my home town, and will be reaching out to some offices beyond my town soon. Ordered some introductory flyers, worked out my packages and pricing, and am ready to jump in with both feet. I I'll keep you posted here on the blog and let you know how this venture is going! I'm excited to be creating a photography line that just might help support my fine art line, while helping to keep the lights on too!
I'll be back at Arts and Experience Gallery later this summer, but for now, I will be concentrating on my newest venture. Below are a couple of interior samples from the portfolio I am currently building:

In the meantime, if you know anyone, RE agent or FSBO/homeowner, in the STL Metro East area, or in the Bond/Madison/Fayette/Clinton/Montgomery counties area that needs some professional images of real estate listings for the MLS, please feel free to connect them with me at . I am happy to work with both homeowners and agents. I shoot with quality professional gear, and use professional editing programs as needed. No cell phone snaps here.
My goal is to help YOU sell your home. Real estate is an investment; when selling real estate, investing in great images is a solid choice. Professional real estate photography is an investment in your business as an agent. It may mean the difference between 45 days on the market or 450 days, and can definitely be beneficial in getting future listings and sales!