And here we are....Another 365!
So here we are, another 365 blank frames we can fill! It dawned on me a couple of days ago that this blog, and my website as a whole, has been live for a full year! Unbelievable.
The site views are still a tad short of what I'd hoped for, yet still exceeded my expectations.But both my online galleries, Instagram, and Facebook business page have drawn attention, for which I am very grateful. Thank you to all of you who have supported me, followed my work, and followed my Instagram and Facebook. I really appreciate that belief and support. Stick around, we are going places! And I am excited about it.
So, in honor of my first full year of living the dream, I thought I would repost my inaugural entry. I am currently making lists of goals I am going for this year, and ideas for future blog posts, as well as scheming some new ways to gain clients and gigs, and ways to reach collectors interested in print purchases. I hope you will continue to share my journey, (and share comments!) and continue to share ImaginationRanch Photography with those you know. Thanks again, friends and fans, you are the greatest!
Be good to yourself, today, and the rest of this year! We still have 348 blank frames to create in 2018! Get to it!
Read below, for my inaugural post from January 15th last year....or better yet, if you haven't, follow the sidebar menu back through all my posts since that date! Enjoy, and as always, I welcome your comments. Let's start a conversation!

NOW is a good time.
Never a better time to begin something new. New year, new mindset, new here is the big debut of my photography blog and online portfolio. Welcome to ImaginationRanch Photography.
When we are kids, we dream big dreams. We know what we want to be when we grow up, even though it can change from week to week. But we are unafraid, quite certain, and totally listening to that true voice in our hearts and souls that knows who we are.
Then, as the years go by, all the well-meaning grownups around us do their best to guide us and grow us, and our dreams and imaginations are slowly squeezeSo here we are, another 365 blank frames we can fill! It dawned on me a couple of days ago that this blog, and my website as a whole, has been live for a full year! Unbelievable.The site views are still a tad short of what I'd hoped for, yet still exceeded my expectations. Thank you to all of you who have supported me, followed my work, and followed my Instagram and Facebook. I really appreciate that belief and support. Stick around, we are going places! And I am excited about it.So, in honor of my first full year of living the dream, I thought I would repost my inaugural entry. I am currently making lists of goals I am going for this year, and ideas for future blog posts, as well as scheming some new ways to gain clients and gigs, and ways to reach collectors interested in print purchases. I hope you will continue to share my journey, (and share comments!) and continue to share ImaginationRanch Photography with those you know. Thanks again, friends and fans, you are the greatest!Be good to yourself, today, and the rest of this year! We still have 348 blank frames to create in 2018! Get to it!d out of us, because "they just aren't realistic."
Says who?
Well, I finally reached that fork in the road in the last year or so, and I have decided to get back to that inner creative child, and stop listening to the voices that tell us we "can't" or "it's not practical". Each of us shapes our own destiny-- whether for good or for worse-- and each of us has what it takes to not just follow our dreams, but to bring them into reality.
I am no longer speaking negatively to myself, nor believing all the nay-sayers and scoffers from the past, nor those who I still live amongst. You wanna convince yourself you're "too old" or you "should have, way back when", you go right ahead. I'm not going with you down that road anymore. I've already decided for myself that 2017 is the beginning of bigger and better things for me, and I am going to follow my muse.
We're at a fork in the road, fellow travellers, and if you have given up on your dreams, then here is where we part ways.
I am taking the road less travelled, and that is going to make all the difference.
Welcome to ImaginationRanch.