Taking a Brief Hiatus for Refueling

Happy Friday!
Just got Part 2 of my June Photographer Spotlight posted, if you haven't seen any of it, jump over to my retrospective on the works of Linda McCartney.
I will be taking much needed break from the usual boring routine this next several days. My hubby and I are going camping! Aside from some down time to relaxe, get some sun, do some fishing and pretty much do whatever I feel like, going with the flow, I will be taking some time to try my hand at some "nature Stalking! Pretty stoked about this. Though there's no WiFi in the woods, there's a better connection there. :-)
Our deer stands are sitting idle right now, but what better use for them in the off season than to sit and wait with my camera and see who happens to stroll by in the woods? Hoping to get some great wildlife shots this week!
With that said, I'd better get back to packing my stuff....the Boss got off early today, and the hustle and bustle of hitting the road is about to descend upon me!
I'll keep in touch via Instagram and FB, as I am able (or inclined.) Yeah, no WiFi in the woods, but there's still 3G, and it's a hard habit to break, this sharing of images! Enjoy your weekend, all!