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5 Things to Consider When Selecting Artwork for Your Home, Part 1

As someone who has been an artist in various media for the majority of my life, a serious photographer for the last several years, a professional picture framer for several years in my late 20's, and a junkie for all types of images to adorn my own home with, I would like to share with you some thoughts on selecting art to display in your own home or workspace. The obvious and most important consideration, of course, is to choose images that "call to you". You know, photos, paintings, works that make you happy. Imagery that evokes an emotion, a memory, or a mood that enhances the place in which you spend a majority of your time. What you like. After all, it's your space, your home.

"Illinois Sunset", one of my own works

That part is simple enough. We all know what we like to look at. Those things are the reasons we vacation where we do, read the things we read, watch the programs we watch, or even photograph that we shoot the most. We are drawn to images that make us happy, or make us feel a certain way. In my own home, I tend to decorate with outdoorsy things, antiques, or things that remind me of my childhood, or my family. When I shoot, I tend to shoot similar subjects....Nature, landscapes, animals, farm scenes, and people just being themselves and having a good time. I shoot what I know and love, and things that make me feel good inside. We tend to decorate our homes with that inner compass as well. However, even the things we love to view and have around us need to be in balance with other elements of the room they will grace. They need to be able to fit in with the rest, contributing to the flow. Here are five things to consider when choosing images to enhance the flow of your living space:

Decide what kind of art you like

Simple enough, and we basically covered this above. If you regularly visit galleries, home ware stores or museums, you probably already have a good sense of what kind of art appeals to you. If not, there are many opportunities to browse art within your area by visiting local galleries and art fairs. The Internet is a great resource as well. Google a bit, browse online, and see where your heart leads you.

Decorate around the piece, or choose the piece for existing decor

Again, pretty easy. You most likely decorate your spaces around those things or themes that give you a certain feeling....Peaceful, invigorating, welcoming, nostalgic, reflective of your personality, conducive to creativity, or conducive to quiet reflection and rest. Maybe following theme, maybe more eclectic. There are as many ways to decorate your home, or even every room, as there are varieties of people and personalities in the world. Your home is your comfort haven, your castle. If you find an image that reminds you of your childhood growing up on Grandpa's farm in Illinois, then purchase that piece! Bring it home, and make it the anchor of a room filled with treasured family heirlooms and cozy quilts and books.

Tim Cox, "Good Fences Make Good Neighbors" Many of TIm Cox's works have been featured on Western Horseman Magazine covers. One of my favorite artists, for his use of "the Golden Hour" light. credit:

You already have a modern theme going, with a particular color scheme throughout? Purchase an art piece that echoes those modern lines of the room or furniture, or perhaps as a color accent to an otherwise muted room, adding a little "pop" or becoming a conversation starter for a room in which you entertain. No wrong or right-- the chicken OR the egg, it matters not which direction you go with it. Just remember to consider the artwork's relationship to where it is going to hang. And follow your instinct. It will be right.

Jackson Pollock, "The Deep", 1953

Jackson Pollock at work

In my next post, Part 2, we'll examine some more considerations on purchasing prints and artwork for your home or workspace. As always, have a question, or a comment you'd like to add? Feel free to share it below, I'd love to know what you think!

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Greenville, Illinois, USA

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