Contest Update

Last week, I posted a little contest of sorts on my Instagram feed and my Facebook page. I am looking to submit a photo this month to Canon USA's monthly contest, the theme for March being "Light". Personally, I had in mind about four photos I've taken that are some of my better work, that represent this theme well, I think. However, I thought, hey, what better way to get you, the fans, involved, than by asking for opinions on which photo I should submit? So I sent out a bit on IG and FB and asked for your opinions. A smart girl would have blogged it here as well, but it's been a busy week, so IG and FB were simpler. In case you missed those two feeds about the contest, voting will close tomorrow night (Monday the 13th), and I will announce the winning choice, and the winning voter, on Wednesday evening March 15th. I asked for comments and opinions, in return, I got a bunch of "Likes", so I am assuming this will be everyone's method of voting. In this day and age of texting and Facebooking, people just don't use their words anymore, it seems, haha......but I am taking those "Likes" and shares to be votes.

Bear with me, as this is the first time I have ever run a giveaway for anything in my life! The fans who have "Liked", or voted, will all be entered into a random drawing after the best photo has been chosen, and on Wednesday, I will announce chosen photo I will submit to the Canon contest, and the name of the lucky fan who'll receive a FREE print of their choice from any of my collections, suitable for framing, to be shipped to them ready to pop into a frame!
At this time, the images that seem to be in the lead are the ones posted in today's blog entry, and the one that seems to be in the top spot thus far is my barn interior, "Linear" (lead photo in this post). That shot actually won an award at the Bond County Fair a couple of years ago.

I will post the winning photo on my blog announcement, along with its backstory, on Wednesday evening (or possibly Thursday....sometimes, life gets in the way of the best intentions! But hoping to stick to my schedule, here.) The photos I've shared here in this post are not the only ones up for votes, just four that seem to be in the top running as of today. So, please browse through my galleries, choose a photo YOU feel best fits the theme "Light", and vote! You can comment here on the blog, or jump over to my Facebook page (ImaginationRanch Photography) or my IG feed. Just click on the buttons here in my website to get there! Thanks for playing along, Happy Voting, and best of luck!

(Top: "Linear") (Second: "Bradford Blossoms at Sunset") (Third: "Cluster One" -- Pink Floyd fans will recognize that title!) (Bottom: "Rod and Gun Club, Feb. Afternoon")