Blue Moon

Yes, there actually is a tiny slice of the barely first-quarter moon in this photo, in the upper left quadrant of the sky. However, the moon really wasn't my main subject on this foggy morn, as I passed the kitchen window getting ready for work. The stunning pre-sunrise color enhanced by the fog caused me to grab my camera and capture a few frames. I've been playing with monochrome predominantly this last two weeks, just experimenting, and while I did shoot a couple in b&w mode this day, I threw it into priority mode also for a frame, just to have it on record. I was pleased when I found that the camera was able to capture the same beautiful early morning blue my eyes had taken in. No post edit necessary, my camera actually recorded the rich, jewel-toned, early light I was privileged to be witnessing. A wonderful color capture, yet still a monochrome shot, as well. After too short a time absorbing the scene, I had to run back into the house to continue getting ready for the workaday world. I so very much wanted to play hooky that day, and just take some time outside with my camera, as we've had beautiful Spring-like temps for February, and the sunrises and sunsets, and even the midday light, have been awesome Ah, but such is the life of the artist. One's vision is not always enough to keep the lights on and the pantry stocked, so I dutifully moved on to Cube World. It's little moments like these that there aren't nearly enough of, and yet, I savor each one that comes, and somehow, each one propels me forward toward the next opportunity.